Coming to Dr. Han is such an amazing journey. After my first IVF failure, we were very frustrated. Friends recommend that acupuncture treatment might help improve the success of IVF. My husband and I went to Dr. Han’s office for accuputure before the second IVF. After a few Dr. Han’s acupuncture treatments, I got pregnant naturally. It’s such a surprise for us, because the IVF doctor said we should not hope too much on success for the next IVF session.
But Dr. Han’s marvelous and highly experienced acupuncture treatments as well as his strong encouragement made the impossible become the possible. As my friends do, we highly recommend Dr. Han for acupuncture treatments.
We decided to try acupuncture after a few difficult pregnancy losses. We have been visiting Dr. Han for close to two months and became pregnant shortly after. Throughout my pregnancy journey, I have been visiting Dr. Han to stabilize and improve my health with the main goal being to ensure that the baby is safe and sound. During week 39, we were finally able to hold on to our bundle of joy and welcomed a baby girl to this world. Throughout the whole journey, Dr. Han has been amazing and patient towards me. I highly recommend him to anyone who would love and wants to be a mummy!
Thank you very much Dr. Han!
Avon Family
My wife had been suffering from a cluster type migraine headache, 24 hrs a day for 19 days. She had been to the ER 2 times before being admitted and staying in the hospital for 8 days. The doctors ran every test you could think of including 3 cat scans and 3 MRI’s without finding the cause of this headache. She was discharged and sent home with pain meds that barely masked the pain.
After being home from the hospital for 4 days a friend suggested acupuncture. I was a bit skeptical but figured at this point what does she have to lose? After the first session her headache was remarkably better by about 50 percent. The following day she went for a second session and the headache was now about 75 percent gone. After the third session in 3 days she walked out of the room crying. I thought the headache had come back, but these were tears of joy. Her headache was completely gone. The ordeal was over for her and me.
I would like to thank Dr.Han and his staff for the care my wife received and succeeding where traditional medicine failed. We are now interested in learning more about natural medicine.
Thank you so very much,
The Ramundo Family
I have been smoking 1 or more packs of cigarettes/day since I was 18 YO and a combat medic in Viet Nam. I am now 64 YO.
I am a retired Podiatric physician and surgeon, and currently am a Prof. of Human Anatomy & Physiology, and Pathophysiology within the Maricopa County Community College District. My medical background includes knowledge of all of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, Throughout my life, I have tried various and numerous methods to stop smoking cigarettes- to include nicotine patches, gum and lozenges; Chantix and other prescription medications, and most recently e-cigarettes and even hypnotism.
Unfortunately, none of the cessation treatments helped as I have a strong physical. chemical, social and emotional addiction to smoking cigarettes. I also enjoyed smoking cigarettes tremendously, even though I knew it was detrimental to my health.
Recently I had 2 consecutive episodes of bronchitis with much coughing-up phlegm. I sat back and said to myself that the cigarettes are simply killing me if I continue to smoke, and as a last resort researched for non-traditional methods to stop smoking. It is in this manner that I found Dr. Jun Han’s Acuherbs Center.
I had a free initial consult with Dr. Han on July 23, 2014. A very gentle and sincere man, he made no promises but did state acupuncture has been shown to be effective in many people trying to stop smoking. He stated it usually takes 4-5 treatments and I agreed to my first treatment at that time.
Lying on my back, I felt no pain as Dr. Han skillfully inserted acupuncture needles into various sites on my body. I relaxed for 30 minutes, and then the needles were removed. I believe a marigold seed was taped into my ear as well. I went home, and could not believe the results.
I no longer had the craving nor addictive need to smoke cigarettes. I did not become irritable nor excessively hungry. This was crazy- I just no longer had any cravings to smoke!!! It is now 8 days since my initial treatment, and I have had 3 more treatments. During this 8-day period, I have not smoked a single cigarette nor have I had the cravings to do so. My wife and I are both shocked, surprised and grateful.
Of course I realize that not every treatment will be successful for every patient- that would be too easy. However, for me, Dr. Han’s treatment has been 100% effective in treating my goal to stop smoking. Although it’s been only 8 days, this is the longest time period in the past 45 years that I have not smoked a cigarette, and I believe I will not regress nor have a set-back.
I am very grateful to Dr. Han for his expertise and skill, and for his highly accommodating staff. I recommend everyone just try meeting with and subsequently be treated by Dr. Han- what have you got to lose (except the reason for being there)?
Dr, David G
After suffering months with right leg pain caused by bulging disks in my back, I decided to try acupuncture. I was really skeptical about acupuncture but I literally tried all other options (chiropractor, pain doctors, pain medication) and nothing worked!! I had extreme right leg pain every time I stood up and suffered through months of restless nights due to pain in my back and leg.
I did some research on the internet and thank god I found Dr. Han. He was fairly priced and all the reviews were very positive on his website. The moment I walked into his office, I was impressed by how clean it was.
I have now seen Dr. Han six times and my pain is 75% gone. I have not taken any medication in over 2 weeks and sleep like a baby at night :))
It is my pleasure to recommend Dr. Han! He is an amazing Doctor and I can’t thank him enough for making me feel better.
My name is Dennis. I was truly a skeptic. I had a lot of pain in my chest and legs from diabetes. It was diagnosed as classic diabetic neuropathy. I went to seven doctors to help with the pain including a couple of very expensive “specialists”. All they gave me was pain medication which temporarily subsided the pain but it was still there day and night. There was no cure or relief in sight.
My wife had investigated acupuncture on the internet searching for some relief for my pain. I didn’t believe it would work. But I was in such pain I was willing to try anything.
I live in the Salome, AZ area. It is 123 miles each way from my house to Dr. Han’s office. When I first started treatment, I was going to Dr. Han’s office 3 times per week. That’s a lot of driving hoping something would work. I certainly would not drive that far even once a week if Dr. Han’s treatment was not working.
IT WORKS!!! I am now primarily pain free and down to one treatment a week. I owe Dr Han the biggest thank you I can muster.
They are very nice people, the clinic is spotless and they really care that you are getting better. One of the best decisions I have ever made regarding my health care.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. Han
I have known Dr. Han and have been treated by him when needed for quite a few years. For many people, it may not be clear who they should go to for finding out if acupuncture can help them and who is really experienced and competent. My support for Dr Han is completely voluntary and he has been superb In providing good and safe acupuncture for me and some people I know…
Dr. Han has over 30 years of experience with acupuncture and he is also knowledgeable on Chinese herbs and he is licensed and certified.
Some health providers have picked up acupuncture as a secondary interest- but it is Dr. Han’s primary interest and specialization. He is from Tianjin, China and got his education and training there and has been a tenured faculty member at the Traditional Chinese Medical School and facility in Tianjin. He is meticulous in his procedure and superbly hygiene conscious in his procedures and very good in his diagnostic ability in Traditional Chinese Medicine…
I wish him the best in his clinic at 1256 W, Chandler Blvd.Suite 19, Chandler, Arizona 85224
Joyotpaul “Joy” C
Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University.
Dr. Han cared for my ailment in late 2010. He is very knowledgeable and skilled in Chinese Medicine, especially acupuncture. Without his help, I would not have recovered fully; and the situation may have worsened and lingered for longer time. Dr. Han is honest, courteous; he thinks about his patients first rather than himself. I highly recommend seeking care under Dr. Han if anyone needs medical assistance.
— HN Chen
I have Been a patient of Dr Han’s for the post year. He has treated me for severe back and leg pain. I am now pain free because of Dr. Han. He treats me on a regular basis and I find that I feel better than I have felt in years.
Dr. Han has a nice clean office and he is always very professional.
I recommend anyone who is thinking of acupuncture try Dr. Han.
Julie K
I have been treated by Dr. Han for approximately two months for headaches. I have not had any headaches since I began acupuncture and feel much better as a result of the treatments. The headaches had been very severe and affected my ability to function normally. I often had them for at least two-three days. I am a firm believer in acupuncture and highly recommend this approach to good health rather than traditional medicine.
Additionally, I find Dr. Han to be very professional, competent and thorough in his approach to assisting patients. I trust Dr. Han and recommend him to anyone who is seeking solutions to their physical ailments.
Duane M
I decided to try acupuncture when we were trying to get pregnant. We had been trying for over a year with no success. After a few treatments of acupuncture we were pregnant! I could not believe it, and truly had it not happened to me I don’t know that I would have put much hope in it working. Fast forward to being 39 weeks pregnant, I went in hoping that Dr. Han could help start labor. I went into my appointment in the afternoon, was in the hospital that night and had the baby the next morning. Throughout this whole thing, Dr. Han has been amazing and I highly recommend him.
Dawn in Mesa
Dr Han has been a life saver for our 11 year old daughter. After over a month of abdominal pain, and visits to the her family doctor with no clear diagnostic, she had several acupuncture sessions with Dr. Han and the pain is gone and she is feeling great!!. I strongly recommend it.
Mia A
Chandler, Az
I have been a patient of Dr. Han for several months. I have lost weight, experience fewer food cravings, sleep better and in general feel better than I have in many years.In addition to his clinical skills, Dr. Han and Helen provide a calm and peaceful atmosphere for healing.
I feel blessed to have found such a skillful practitioner and have no hesitation in recommending anyone to Dr. Han’s care.
Auer R

Inscription by Pu,Zuo who is the last emperor’s brother in old China and now is the senator in New China.

Inscription by Fan,zeng who is the most famous artist in China.

Inscription by Qin,Zheng who is the vice chairman of Artist association in China.